Full Family Education & Support
The full family education and support service is created to provide home based enhancement of skill development for individuals over the age of three who have been clinically diagnosed as having a developmental disability or at risk of delays until age eight. Eligibility is reviewed annually. Because of the limited number of slots available for FE&S programs, eligible individuals are placed on a waiting list and screened for placement based on a priority score and openings.
Age Criteria
Birth until child’s eighth birthday for children “at risk” of developmental delay but not meeting criteria for the Infant Toddler Program OR Birth until individual’s 22nd birthday for those diagnosed as Developmentally Disabled.
Eligibility Criteria
“At Risk” individuals must have a diagnostic statement from a physician indicating a risk factor as Established, Biological, or Environmental OR Developmentally Disabled individuals must have a signed diagnostic statement from a qualified clinician indicating the individual meets the state definition, including an IQ level below 70.
Program Placement
Individuals meeting eligibility criteria will be placed on a waiting list with priority points being awarded for developmental level (at risk or DD), and risks for family stability and safety. There is no charge to families for this service.